The term “Energy drinks” point out the drinks that give a large amount of energy by utilizing of caffeine and other stimulants extracted from plants (e.g., yerba mate, guarana) glucuronolactone (a glucose metabolite exist in nature), sugars (e.g., fructose, glucose), herbs (e.g., ginkgo biloba, ginseng), amino acids (e.g., carnitine, taurine creatine), and vitamins. The energy drinks mostly consist of high concentration of sugar and caffeine. The prominence of the energy drinks containing caffeine and other functional beverages have been increased in recent years. Functional beverages actually refer nutraceutical products, which are substances assumed as foodstuff or part of a foodstuff that might give some health benefits. However, the energy drinks containing caffeine have important health impact that cannot be ignored.
Energy drinks may consist of caffeine, sugars, sweeteners and taurine, home grown supplements, and different fixings that are unique in relation to sports beverages and vitamin waters. The basic functional ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine; many of them consist of 70 to 80mg per 8-oz serving. In energy drinks, caffeine concentration can be almost five times more than that of soda pops in 8oz when packaged as “energy shots” 16-oz drinks. Energy drinks may consist of extra amount of caffeine through added substances such as cocoa, yerba mate, guarana and kola nut. Guarana is a plant that consists of caffeine, theophylline and theobromine. Each gram of guarana may consist of caffeine content ranging between 40 to 80 mg, and the longer half life of guarana due to the interactions with other plant compounds. Caffeine content from these ingredients is not required to label. Thus, the actual caffeine content may be exceeding than the labeled in per single serving.
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